May I help you? Hell NO!
Example One: The end of July I went to Wal-Mart to pick up Season One and Two on DVD which had a reduced price by about $20. They didn’t have it but told me that it was going to be the regular price so I could pick it up in a week or so. I didn’t believe them so I went to the customer service counter where I finally convinced them to give me a rain check. A month later as I am starting my holidays, I go back to see when they are expecting the DVDs in. I have the cashier take my information down and tell me that I will be called by Wednesday. I have a new answering machine which is always on so no problems. We now jump ahead another two weeks and I go to Wal-Mart and ask what about my call. The cashier puts the info into the little scanner thing and informs me that not only do they not have it but they can’t order it. Ever. I am told if I want to register a complaint, I can fill out the form they have which is sent to the President as well as the Store Manager, a form only in French because apparently English people don’t make purchases in Quebec.
Example Two: I received a card indicating that I had a parcel waiting for me at the post office in a pharmacy. I was trying to get across town to get the parcel. I was going to be delayed downtown so I called the post office and told her I was going to be a few minutes late so could she hold on for about another 2 or 3 minutes or alternatively could she put it aside with say the cosmetics so I could pick it up. It was 5:20 and she informed me that she works until 5:30 not 5:35. Under my breath, I thanked her ( a bit of venom rising) and tried to make my way to the postal counter. I arrived at 5:33 and true to her word she was gone and everything was locked up.
Now I do customer service as a job. I like to think I do a half way decent job of it as well, helping the customer where I can and taking the extra time where necessary and if it means a few extra minutes or doing a bit of extra work, then that is what it takes. Is this outdated thinking? I would like to think not but maybe I’m kidding myself. Well that’s today’s rant, about 4 hours later than planned but I get there in the end ;)