The Tome of Rassilon

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anyone know the number of a good hermitage?

As always available at

I think I need a vacation from me. Just some time where John and Rassilon don’t exist. No, I am not planning to off myself or anything. I just need some time away where no one knows me and I don’t need to know anyone. Just live in the moment, maybe as James Hamilton or Alan Scott. I may as well go whole hog. See the thing is I am just feeling the weight of the Universe on my shoulders. I suppose it is a bit of self pity but it seems lately that things have come to a head. In the past few days one of my best friends has started thinking of me as a pervert due in part to my recent "appearance" on a TV show and her hubby who is also one of my best friends, shares that opinion. It was a call in. I am working ELEVEN days in a row which I know I have been harping about to pretty much anyone who will listen. I have forced myself through a case of the flu. I managed to screw up a potential relationship with a young woman of my acquaintance because of physical shortcomings (between our two mid-sections it couldn’t reach, there I said it) and feeling a lack of self worth. My supervisor at work has pointed out that my performance is nothing really special and the list goes on. I just need a bit of emotional and physical rest. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not running away from my problems just trying to get a bit of relaxation so I can get things back in perspective


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