How do you do? I`m John. Care for a jelly baby?
I just realized that I haven`t introduced myself yet. That was rude of me. Unfortunately I don`t have a great intro line so I`ll just get right into it. I`m John and I am located in the province of Quebec in Canada (despite the provincial government`s opinions Quebec is the province and Canada is the country ;) I consider myself a citizen of the world as opposed to a nationality firstly because I believe that the world is quickly becoming a smaller place and secondly because I know far too many people who use their nationality to define who they are and sometime limit who they are. I prefer to have my opinions taken for what they are and not representative as being part of a particular community. I am an old soul who does not suffer fools gladly.
What does this mean? Basically, we all have some grey matter between our ears and as I have often said: The brain is the muscle that requires the most exercise but frequently recieves the least. An example of this is an associate of mine who listens to a lot of talk radio. If you want to know what the radio station`s opinion of something in the news is, he will quote it to you as his opinion several days later, practically verbatim. This comes up a lot in the media when people are strongly for or against something because someone has told them that they should be. Ask your own questions. Have your own opinions. If you feel about something, have a reason why you feel that way. While sheep are tasty to eat, I have no desire to have a conversation with one.
Let`s see, what else about me? Well as mentioned in a previous post, I am devoutly heterosexual sometimes to my own detriment. I have an ability to be attracted to women who are generally never attracted to me or if they do, I tend to sabotage myself by putting a distance between us for "their own protection" and my four friends are precious to me (my next entry will be on my definition of friendship and kind of a tribute to those I call friends). I am emotional but every chance I get I try to suppress my emotions. I enjoy watching Doctor Who and reading comics I guess primarily because on some level I feel it gives me hope that on some level humanity has potential and is capable of improving above a lot of the pointless squabbles we find ourselves in (see also Citizen of the world earlier in this same post) and also the idea that once in a little while that maybe the right thing is accomplished. Actually, I think Colin Baker got it right when describing his interpretation of The Doctor:
Well that`s about it for now. If you want to comment go ahead. If not, that`s fine too. I really am selfish in that I do this for me.
What does this mean? Basically, we all have some grey matter between our ears and as I have often said: The brain is the muscle that requires the most exercise but frequently recieves the least. An example of this is an associate of mine who listens to a lot of talk radio. If you want to know what the radio station`s opinion of something in the news is, he will quote it to you as his opinion several days later, practically verbatim. This comes up a lot in the media when people are strongly for or against something because someone has told them that they should be. Ask your own questions. Have your own opinions. If you feel about something, have a reason why you feel that way. While sheep are tasty to eat, I have no desire to have a conversation with one.
Let`s see, what else about me? Well as mentioned in a previous post, I am devoutly heterosexual sometimes to my own detriment. I have an ability to be attracted to women who are generally never attracted to me or if they do, I tend to sabotage myself by putting a distance between us for "their own protection" and my four friends are precious to me (my next entry will be on my definition of friendship and kind of a tribute to those I call friends). I am emotional but every chance I get I try to suppress my emotions. I enjoy watching Doctor Who and reading comics I guess primarily because on some level I feel it gives me hope that on some level humanity has potential and is capable of improving above a lot of the pointless squabbles we find ourselves in (see also Citizen of the world earlier in this same post) and also the idea that once in a little while that maybe the right thing is accomplished. Actually, I think Colin Baker got it right when describing his interpretation of The Doctor:
"He has an essential belief in the rightness of things and if things aren't
right then he feels compelled to do something about it and right doesn't always
necessarily mean beautiful, happy or pretty but right, it's got to be right."
Well that`s about it for now. If you want to comment go ahead. If not, that`s fine too. I really am selfish in that I do this for me.
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