The Tome of Rassilon

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Would you be mine, could you be mine, won`t you be my neighbour?

Two posts in a single week? This is a bit of an accomplishment in the past few weeks. I am trying a new site to see if it is better, worse or breaks even with this one. It is where I am also posting my blog entries. It, for the most part seems to be a place to meet people but no chat as yet. You can email people and get their attention via instant messenger and such which I can't use as most of my usage is at places I can't download programs at.

The thing I have trouble with, and this won't be a complete bitchfest, don't worry, is that you are supposed to accumulate a list of "friends" now as I mentioned in an earlier post on , friend is not a term I throw around loosely but by the same token on this site they do, not the end of the world. I think the problem I have with it is that it seems so damn needy. "Please be my friend! I'll give you candy." is what it feels like. I suppose I could go the "Screw you! I don't need any of you route!" but unnecessary rudeness seems quite pointless. I have decided a middle ground. If you like me, fine. If you don't fine. It's a large multiverse ;) So now if you are looking for me and I am not here you know where to find me. If you're not looking for me...get bent *kidding*

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Between Dick Clark and Guy Lombardo, I've had it

I just have to get this out. One of my two least favourite holidays is coming up: New Year’s Eve. I have a problem with St. Valentine’s Day but that will be another blog entry. ;)

New Year’s Eve is a made up holiday for couples. For a single guy it is bottom of the ninth, two outs,two strikes, three balls, bases loaded, down by a run kind of pressure. If you don’t find someone for that 5 hours (because when I party, I party ;) then you can figure people will either assume you are a) a loser or b) gay except that the gay guys are coupled up as well so that brings you back to option a). Now, if any of you are regular readers of my blog, The Tome of Rassilon now being copied and pasted onto my tagworld space. You will discover that I seem to have had not had the best of luck in relationships. That meaning that guys who dated Lucretia Borgia had a better chance of gettin’ some than I do more often than not. The last New Year’s Eve I can honestly say I enjoyed was about 1984 which I spent with the woman who was the love of my life. So presently 21 New Year’s Eves and counting that suck is not the kind of record I was looking to expand on. At this point, I am looking at lowering my standards to the point where I don’t want a relationship and going for just someone to jump the bones of. I have had some feelers out there ( I HAVE SO!) so the possibility is there.

Ah, who am I kidding. Another New Year’s Eve of popcorn and porn for me. Happy Holidays all :)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Happy Aniversary Baby, got you on my mind.

So how was your weekend, hmmm? Mine was a bit odd but I expected it to be because it included December the third. Now you are probably scratching you noggin saying huh? December 3, 1984 is a very special date for me and I will explain why (as well as why I quoted the lyrics of the Little River Band).

You recall the young woman I have now mentioned on several occasions that I met in London but is originally from Guyana. December 3 is the date of our first meeting. I won’t bore you with the details again as I mentioned them in previous posts (most detailed in "Hello I love you won’t you tell me your name" ). To commemorate the date of our first meeting, whenever it is possible (ie. If I have any cash ) I go out and buy a couple of bottles of blueberry wine which she enjoyed and we had over several candlelit suppers together and drink until it is all gone.

I realize that it is somewhat self abusive but I just can’t give up the thought and the memories of her. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not some sort of stalker and planning to show up on her doorstep with an engagement ring but she will always be a part of my heart and it will always be a special time of my life. There are times like this when I wonder if I will ever be more than a child in the body of an adult because holding on to something like this year in and year out is somewhat akin to a child refusing to give up a favourite toy. Of course as someone else pointed out, "There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish from time to time". Later all and as always comments are not just welcomed they are encouraged.