Would you be mine, could you be mine, won`t you be my neighbour?
Two posts in a single week? This is a bit of an accomplishment in the past few weeks. I am trying a new site to see if it is better, worse or breaks even with this one. It is http://www.tagworld.com/rassilon where I am also posting my blog entries. It, for the most part seems to be a place to meet people but no chat as yet. You can email people and get their attention via instant messenger and such which I can't use as most of my usage is at places I can't download programs at.
The thing I have trouble with, and this won't be a complete bitchfest, don't worry, is that you are supposed to accumulate a list of "friends" now as I mentioned in an earlier post on http://rassilon1.blogspot.com , friend is not a term I throw around loosely but by the same token on this site they do, not the end of the world. I think the problem I have with it is that it seems so damn needy. "Please be my friend! I'll give you candy." is what it feels like. I suppose I could go the "Screw you! I don't need any of you route!" but unnecessary rudeness seems quite pointless. I have decided a middle ground. If you like me, fine. If you don't fine. It's a large multiverse ;) So now if you are looking for me and I am not here you know where to find me. If you're not looking for me...get bent *kidding*
The thing I have trouble with, and this won't be a complete bitchfest, don't worry, is that you are supposed to accumulate a list of "friends" now as I mentioned in an earlier post on http://rassilon1.blogspot.com , friend is not a term I throw around loosely but by the same token on this site they do, not the end of the world. I think the problem I have with it is that it seems so damn needy. "Please be my friend! I'll give you candy." is what it feels like. I suppose I could go the "Screw you! I don't need any of you route!" but unnecessary rudeness seems quite pointless. I have decided a middle ground. If you like me, fine. If you don't fine. It's a large multiverse ;) So now if you are looking for me and I am not here you know where to find me. If you're not looking for me...get bent *kidding*