The Tome of Rassilon

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Don’t take things for granted

As always also available at

I wanted to set aside today’s blog entry as a tribute to a buddy of mine. As you may have read in other of my entries, I categorize people into groups such as buds, associates, companions etc. Well the young lady I am discussing today is riding the cusp of friend. Now to start with I want to make one point ABUNDANTLY clear. I do not have any romantic inclinations towards this woman. That’s not to say that it is not possible. I have found her incredibly charming, personable, beautiful and sometimes annoyingly intelligent ;).

The thing that has inspired this is that this young woman, let’s call her Zee, is soon going to be working for another company. I am happy for her about this because she craves a challenge and deserves a chance for advancement which her present job doesn’t afford her. It’s not like she’s dying or anything but things change when someone changes jobs. We would do the crossword puzzles over lunch and that is something I am going to miss. I am also going to miss that little laugh and smile over sometimes the smallest things that would throw a bit of sunshine on a really crappy day. This is a woman I have really grown to admire over the course of my time knowing her. She was in an accident about a year ago and I visited her while she was recuperating (not as often as I could in retrospect but I did visit) and she never during that time, that I saw, let the injuries get her down.

I suppose she inspires me on some level. I run into a lot of people in the course of the day who have more teeth than brain cells, who will screw someone else over at the drop of a hat. Then there is Zee who shows me that the other side of the coin exists. That the good side of humanity and the potential for improvement exists. It is something that inspires me and I am sure will inspires others who know her and will get to know her in the future.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Anyone know the number of a good hermitage?

As always available at

I think I need a vacation from me. Just some time where John and Rassilon don’t exist. No, I am not planning to off myself or anything. I just need some time away where no one knows me and I don’t need to know anyone. Just live in the moment, maybe as James Hamilton or Alan Scott. I may as well go whole hog. See the thing is I am just feeling the weight of the Universe on my shoulders. I suppose it is a bit of self pity but it seems lately that things have come to a head. In the past few days one of my best friends has started thinking of me as a pervert due in part to my recent "appearance" on a TV show and her hubby who is also one of my best friends, shares that opinion. It was a call in. I am working ELEVEN days in a row which I know I have been harping about to pretty much anyone who will listen. I have forced myself through a case of the flu. I managed to screw up a potential relationship with a young woman of my acquaintance because of physical shortcomings (between our two mid-sections it couldn’t reach, there I said it) and feeling a lack of self worth. My supervisor at work has pointed out that my performance is nothing really special and the list goes on. I just need a bit of emotional and physical rest. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not running away from my problems just trying to get a bit of relaxation so I can get things back in perspective