The Tome of Rassilon

Monday, February 13, 2006

A starter kit on what I DON'T know

A while ago, relatively speaking, I did a blog on preconcieved notions when you tell people your age. For those of you reading this on tagworld, I will have posted it just before this particular blog. I discovered this weekend that I am not unaffected by it myself.

I was checking out the webpage of a young lady of my acquaintance and she had a link on her main page to a second page. Now this young woman is a very intelligent, charming and someone who challenges me to think (in the morning? Before coffee? A plague upon your house foul, fanged fiend! KIDDING!) as well as being a very attractive model. I think you know where this may be leading but I will spell it out for those who don’t, she was nude on her page and I wasn’t offended and I am not objecting ( I used to deejay at a strip club and have seen more breasts and vaginas than she will ever have ;) , I was just surprised. When I heard model I ONLY assumed sportswear, swimwear, evening gowns, maybe negligee so it took me a few moments to get my bearings back. It was then I realized that I had just done something that I have accused others of in the past with righteous indignation. Assumed something about someone and not gotten all the facts. I realized that this young woman is very physically attractive and why not cash in on it while you can as well it is an expression of sexual freedom. I try not to be judgemental but apparently I am not as immune to this as I thought I was. I feel I owe her a heartfelt apology and this blog is it. As I have stated in the past, I don’ t name names. I respect people’s right to privacy but I think she will deduce I am talking about her.

I realize that this blog is shorter than some but I felt this needed to be said as soon and as sincerely as possible. Later all

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Some walk by night, some fly by day

As always, also available at

You know how often things come up and people will say "I remember where I was when…" Well I kind of had one of those moments last night. It wasn’t Kennedy getting shot or 9/11. It was a more personal moment for me.
About two weeks ago, I bought seasons one and two of Moonlighting with Cybill Shepard and Bruce Willis and I was a big time fan of the show in the day. I watched it for the months of reruns and right until the end. Anyways, I am watching the DVD last night when I come upon an episode called ‘Somewhere under the rainbow’ when David (Bruce Willis) Addison starts discussing art. The line is

"I do know something about art. There are a couple of guys, a couple of artists whose work I admire and respect. Ruebens, Peter Paul Reubans happens to be a favourite of mine. Flemish, 17th Century, master of the Baroque style.
He liked to paint those big fat mamas with the major maracas. Liked his women well packed. An artistic notion not entirely lost on myself. You know what they say, the bigger the cushion, the better…"

Now the quote itself is giggleworthy, but it was more than that. I recall at the time I was living in London Ontario, it was Tuesday night and I was with, well as I have stated before I don’t like to name names on blogs so I will just say that if you are seeing this on my tagworld site it is one of the women pictured under my companions section.
It was the first time we watched the show and as a bonus she was an artist so she laughed at it as well. This all came flooding back to me when I heard the line and I was thinking that there are several things that I associate from our time together that have left reverberations of sorts. Mostly things dealing with entertainment. For example, there was a movie from the mid 80s called "Young Sherlock Holmes" which I have tried to watch again since I went to the premiere but it just gets too painful because it was because of it being the cause of why we first met (we both won tickets to the premiere and went to claim the tickets from the radio station at the same time). I drink a bottle of blueberry wine each December 3rd because it was the day we first met and that was her favourite drink. I still enjoy art myself but I don’t feel completely comfortable in an art gallery because that was our Wednesday night thing I am a neurosis wrapped in a psychosis ;).
I somehow doubt that I am unique in this. I mean there must be other people out there who practice a certain amount of avoidance due to residual emotions from a relationship. The difference, I am assuming in my case, is that for me it has been decades since I last saw or talked to her. Or maybe as a buddy of mine observed a while ago "You just need to get laid!" Hmm, there’s a thought. Later all. ;)

Friday, February 03, 2006

May I have this dance ?

Also viewable at

Well kiddies, I have a story for you today. All tucked into your little beddie byes? Good, well what prompted this was an email that I got this morning. Well, that’s when I read it but I didn’t check to see when it was sent. Anyways that’s besides the point. Now I know this will read like an episode of ‘How I met your mother’ (Mondays at 8:30 or check your local listings ;) Anyways I got an email from my prom date which is odd but in a cool way because I was just thinking of her like last week.

The year was 1982 (lo, those many Eons ago, back when I was relatively young) and this young lady and I shared a French class together. She was beautiful (read that as Wah-hay out of my league) and I asked her to the prom. I had such sweaty palms when I was asking her if she wanted to go to the prom with me, well let’s just say if you shook hands with me at that point you would have thought I had previously shaken hands with Aquaman. The surprising thing for me was that she said yes.

So after the heart palpitations subsided, I tried to figure out my next step (not for that, get your mind out of the gutter). What ended up happening is pretty much every teen’s nightmare. I HAD TO HAVE MY MOM DRIVE US TO THE PROM! Now, my date was cool with it or if she wasn’t she didn’t let on (kudos!). The one thing that sticks out in my mind and I am more than likely not the only male this has happened to, when I got to her house I was greeted by her parents and her dad, as I recall, was kind of an intimidating figure. Then my date came into the room. I thought I had gone deaf and blind because she was the only person or thing I was aware of in the room. She had her hair done up and the dress was a really gorgeous gown. If someone had asked me my name at that point I would have been hard pressed to answer.

I am going to completely destroy my macho/hound image (don’t really have one here but hey, cut me some slack). I tried to present her with the corsage. Now as well as being beautiful she was also, hmm, I am trying to think of a polite and PC way of putting it, well she was built. So with her parents (especially her dad) watching, I did give it a try but eventually I had to hand it off before I pierced her.

The prom itself went not badly but I was so nervous. My first real date and to my eyes she was well, incredible would be an understatement. We ended off the evening by going out for Chinese which I seem to recall she didn’t have much of and I got her home safely. After that evening, each time I saw her I was a bit embarrassed because I felt I should have tried harder to make sure she had a good time but when you are 18 and male, you tend to be a bit selfish and self-centered.

Now as we hurtle forward in time to 2006, I am realizing just how much I have and have not changed. I can still be selfish and self-centered. I like to think I have matured but on a social scale, not so much. My social skills with the opposite sex is still sorely lacking, mind you for the most part I can now look an attractive woman in the eyes as opposed to the feet or the nipples (that does give me a somewhat higher standing than some out there). I still have a way to go so here’s hoping there is something to either the legends of immortality or maybe reincarnation.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh say can you see? ...well not really

A BRAND NEW blog entry. Strike up the band!

As always available as well at

First off, I want to start by saying I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, a football fan. The whole process is a complete mystery to me and for the most part this blog entry will only touch on it in the periphery. Today’s topic is Super Bowl Sunday. Now how’s that for seeming contradiction in the first paragraph. ;)

Actually, what it is, is that I live in Canada (Did I mention that previously? No? Okay, I live in Canada, there. It’s said) and here in Canada we have an organization called the CRTC which stands for the Commission of Radio and TeleCommunications. It is kind of the Canadian version of the FCC in the United States. Anywho, it was decided to protect Canadian investments and advertising by whenever a Canadian broadcast of a show coincides with the an American one, the Canadian signal will take precedence. So, quite often when a network like say Fox, runs The Simpsons and it starts at 7:59:45, when 8:00:00 rolls around and Global (a Canadian Network) starts running it. The show re-starts and instead of being "seduced" by American advertising we get all Canadian ads.

Now normally I could give a rat’s backside. I mean I don’t agree with the practice but, ehn, you live with it. It is only Super Bowl that cheeses me off with respect to this. The rest of the free world gets to see all the cool, one-time commercials from the big boys. MEANWHILE we get to find out that Global will be running Survivor on Thursday and they will replay that twice or more during the same commercial break or the fact that smoking will be illegal in all restaurants, bars, pubs etc later this year.

Okay, fine! It’s childish! I admit it! But I want to see the ads without having to download them via the net or wait for the local morning show to show me what my government feels it has to protect me from. I assumed when I reached the age of consent, I could choose what I wanted to watch and digital dexterity would allow me to be able to change the channel if I didn’t like what I saw. Apparently that is not the case. Apparently the first time I see a commercial for a car or a computer or even feminine hygiene products, I will be overwhelmed with an uncontrollable desire to consume. Mind you, as Dennis Miller is fond of saying, "Of course, that’s just my opinion. I could be wrong!"